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Meet your Executive Board
Maine Lobstering Union-Local Lodge 207
Local Lodge 207 holds elections every 3 years for the Executive Board. This membership meets monthly on the third Sunday, 9:00 AM, at the Trenton office, 150 Bar Harbor Rd, Trenton, ME 04605
These meetings again, are open to ALL members. The Executive Board discusses both Local and Federal issues important to our fishery and Lobster 207, the business you all own.
Meet the board
Joel Strout- MLU President
Jim Hanscome- MLU Vice-President
Jean Thompson-MLU Sec. Treasurer

Kate O'Neal-MLU Recording Secretary
Dixon Smith-MLU Conductor Sentinel
Frank Thompson-MLU Trustee
Dwight Staples- MLU Auditor
Jack Cunningham-MLU Trustee
Jeremy Willey-MLU Trustee
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