Please contact Virginia Olsen if you would like to purchase Raffle tickets for the 31 Guns Raffle to benefit the Guide Dogs of America. You can purchase these tickets in person or over the phone with a debit or credit card. 207-240-0556
The IAMAW works with Guide Dogs of America to help connect service dogs with individuals like military veterans suffering from PTSD, to visually impaired individuals. At District 4's golf tournament this year at Spring Meadows in Gray, ME we all got to meet 17 yr old Madeleine Babcock, last years GDA recipient and her dog Enzo. It was amazing to watch her and Enzo through out the day and see the independence her guide dog provided, along with a very obvious friendship and bond the two had created. The truly great thing about GDA is they pay for the puppy, it's training and the training the handler and dog must have together. The cost is approximately $50,000.00 per dog. Make sure you help support GDA whenever you get the chance, it's a great organization that does some amazing things.
